Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook JCO (redirected fromJustification for Continued Operation) Category filter: AcronymDefinition JCOJournal of Clinical Oncology JCOJunior Commissioned Officer(India) JCOJava Connector(SAP) ...
据媒体报道,近5年已有7万多外国专家在杭州创新创业。In recent years, Hangzhou has been ramping up its efforts to go global, proactively establishing platforms and creating a thriving ecosystem to attract top-tier international talents and projects. Media reports that over the past five years, more ...
ISIlta-Sanomat(Finnish newspaper) ISImpôt sur les Sociétés(French: corporation tax) ISImmunosuppression(treatment complication) ISIron Savior(band) ISIsmailia(Egyptian automobile license plate) ISInfrasound ISInduced Sputum ISInfraspinatus(muscle) ...
CCM - Conventional Cruise Missile. Looking for abbreviations of CCM? It is Conventional Cruise Missile. Conventional Cruise Missile listed as CCM
You may have forgotten what you were trying to achieve with this function, and that would make guessing how you abbreviated it difficult.The following example is much clearer. If you come back to this code a couple of days after writing it, you’ll still be able to read and understand ...
COSContinued Operational Safety(aviation) COSChurch Of Satan COSCredit Ombudsman Service(dispute resolution; Australia) COSConfiguration Object Set COSCrypto Operating System COSCommunications System COSCommon Operations Services COSClip on Socket COSCommercial Operating System ...
In a short story, however, these elements will be necessarily abbreviated. For example, where rising action might have many complications in a novel, it might only have one complication in a short story. What Is a Plot Type: Stories Come In 10 Types ...
Here the context of use is not restricted to conversations or in-person communications, so I will stop mentioning ‘speakers’ and ‘hearers’ subsequently. I thank a blind referee of Synthese for pointing out the need to clarify this usage of ‘statement’. As the term has gained wider ...
The Kāiyuán lù 開元錄 continued the interpretation of the Dà-Zhōu kāndìng zhòngjīng mùlù, and all Buddhist canons of the Sòng period onward subsequently included the text as a “real/true sūtra” (zhēnjīng 真經). However, Makita did not conduct a thorough investigation of the ...
The four primary service values are abbreviated as ESVp, ESVr, ESVs, and ESVc. The overall ESV of Nansi Lake was estimated to be CNY 4.667–8.850 × 109. Temporally, the fluctuations in the ESV exhibited a generally increasing trend (Figure 4). Taking 1991 as the benchmark, the growth...