Total body surface area (BSA) was calculated at 0.98 [m.sup.2]. Implication of Topical Steroids in the Onset of Osteoporosis The burn degree with the total body surface area (TBSA) can be the main factor that determines the short- and long-term results of treatment (1). Amputations in ...
In total, dosing recommendations for 34 anti-infective substances were collected with 74 corresponding indications, which resulted in 47,154 calculated doses. The mean (± standard deviation) proportion of equivalent doses (difference ≤10%) across all three formularies was 40% (±16), while for... One representativeasked howtheproponents had calculated the cost-effectiveness of alternatives available in developing their proposed schedules for the phase-down of HFCs, requesting further informationonalternative substances, including ... Respondentsare asked howmanysoftware packages, and of what type, were installed on their PC in the previous year; what [...] 受访者被问到他们的电脑在上 年安装了多少个软件包,以及软件属于哪种类型;其 中有百分之多少的软件是新的或是升级的;它们是否 ...
(ECSIS), based on cell coverage of the electrodes surface and cell membrane integrity. Whenever possible, the EC50was calculated as described in the statistical analyses section. The NMs were categorized as non-toxic, slightly toxic, or toxic through the scoring system described in El Yamani et...
Iglesias-Caamaño, Mario, Tania Álvarez-Yates, Javier Carballo-López, Alba Cuba-Dorado, and Óscar García-García. 2022. "Is Asymmetry Different Depending on How It Is Calculated?"Symmetry14, no. 10: 2195. ...
Since the Q-score is a continuous quantity expressing percentiles, pathological Q-score values were assumed when < 2% [10]. Height (m) and weight (Kg) were measured at the time of the visit, and body surface area (BSA) was calculated by the Du Bois formula as BSA = weight 0.425× ...
AWAkela's World(BSA) AWAuthentication Word AWAntagonist Wing(The Wrath of the Empire) AW(USN Rating) Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Operator AWArea Wedge(golfing) AWAmphibious Warfare/All Weather AWWater Distilling or Storage Ship AWArchitectutral Window(Americal Architectural Manufacturers Association ...
The signal intensity is sorted from low to high. Similar results where observed with expression data from treated plants. Full size image Table 2 Correlations between the expression values. Pearson correlation between the expression values calculated with six different methods. The average signal ...
(He) were calculated, as well as the probability of identity (PID) and probability of identity between siblings (PIDsib) (Waits et al.2001). As the number of distinct alleles depend on sample size, we additionally calculated allelic richness (Ar) using the rarefaction approach as implemented ...