This rare-earth phosphate is uncommon but widespread in pegmatites as flat, opaque crystals that break into splinters. Its color tends toward reddish-brown. Because of its hardness, monazite may persist in sands, and therare-earth metalswere once mined from sand deposits. Luster:Adamantine to re...
The other category of fossil fuel is coal. Coal is used primarily as fuel for power plants that generate electricity in the United States. Unlike petroleum and gas products, coal can be mined either on the surface or in underground mines. True minerals that are commonly prospected for if min...
RichardDeVen Barite | Level 11 Re: How do I generate a variable for each observation of each ID? Posted 02-12-2020 06:05 AM (1190 views) | In reply to niki0209 A double transpose can reshape the data into the form you desire. A double transpose is needed becau...