If you're using a calculator, make sure you're in degree mode and not radian mode. Of course, this is assuming you measured the angle in degrees, although I don't think I've ever met anyone who measured rocketry angles in radians. Measuring the angle can be done with an inclinometer....
If the Titanic had been equipped with azimuth thrusters, things might have turned out differently. One of the Titanic's downfalls was its inability to turn quickly to avoid the iceberg that ripped the bow open. Traditionally, cruise ships rely on rudders and differentiating propeller speed to tu...
Example: 58˚ azimuth is measured on the map, including adjustment for mag. declination. Turn until 58˚ is below the "fixed index line". Then move the "short luminous line" to above the N by turning the bezel ring. You're all set. Question or Comment about this page? Your Name...
The primary factor when creating a hillshade map for any particular location is the location of the sun in the sky. Azimuth The azimuth is the angular direction of the sun, measured from north in clockwise degrees from 0 to 360. An azimuth of 90 degrees is east. The default azimuth is ...
When two sine waves of identical frequency are compared, their relative phase can be measured — but note that this is only meaningful if the two signals are of the same frequency. Phase shifts are caused by all manner of electronic circuits (for example, equalisation) as well as by short ...
This mount is usually used on Dobsonian telescopes. It provides good support for a heavy telescope, as well as smooth, frictionless motion. The movement of an alt-azimuth mount in relation to a star. Although the alt-azimuth mount is simple and easy to use, it does not properly track the...
However, if the symmetry is broken, the distortion on the magnetometer readings can be increased significantly. This means that segregation of cuttings, metal filings or weight material can strongly influence the strength of the measured magnetic fields. With a collar based tool, that is non-...
This mount is usually used on Dobsonian telescopes. It provides good support for a heavy telescope, as well as smooth, frictionless motion. The movement of an alt-azimuth mount in relation to a star. Although the alt-azimuth mount is simple and easy to use, it does not properly track the...
If the Titanic had been equipped with azimuth thrusters, things might have turned out differently. One of the Titanic's downfalls was its inability to turn quickly to avoid the iceberg that ripped the bow open. Traditionally, cruise ships rely on rudders and differentiating propeller speed to tu...
The sensor emits ultrasonic waves, and the sound travels in a cone , so the actual measured distance is not a point, but the distance of the nearest object within a conical angle range. The built-in obstacle avoidance algorithm of the ultrasonic sensor deeply integrates and processes all obsta...