2013). Although autism is a single diagnosis, there is significant variability in autistic profiles and characteristics, depending in part on age, intersectionality, and myriad other contextual and environmental influences
A systematic review of how emotional self-awareness is defined and measured when comparing autistic and non-autistic groups - ScienceDirectC.F. Huggins aG. Donnan bI.M. Cameron cJ.H.G. Williams aResearch in Autism Spectrum Disorders
and before that a college student who was talking about how linking vaccines and autism is not true and there's no evidence for it. One reason why I'm trying to do these series of interviews is to convey that yes there is evidence and a lot of people who ...
But, there are many advantages to getting an ADHD diagnosis. Getting a diagnosis can help you or your child get the appropriate treatment and help rule out other conditions. While conditions such as autism, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, conduct disorders, and anxiety disorders can mimic sympt...
Two studies were conducted to better understand how children with intellectual disabilities (ID) empathize with the feelings of others during social intera
How is our behavior influenced, or measured? And why is behavioral change so difficult?In this blog post, we describe several behavioral theories, as well as different ways to measure human behavior. Lastly, we discuss research fields in which human behavior analysis plays a central role, like...
Darko Sarovic et al, Pareidolia as a probe for early and late face processing components in autism: A magnetoencephalographic study. (manuscript under review) Elena V. Orekhova et al, Neural gain control measured through cortical gamma oscillations is associated with sensory sensitivity,Human Brain...
The four core genotype mice in which the testis-determining gene, Sry, has been removed from the Y chromosome and is now autosomal, are an interesting tool with which measured outcomes can differentiate sex chromosome complement from gonadal sex (Quinn et al, 2007; Arnold, 2009). The 'four ...
How can intelligence be defined and measured? How does environment affect cognitive development? How does music affect cognitive development? Why is cognitive conflict important for learning? How do debates enhance cognitive learning? What is the difference between intellect and intelligence? How emotional...
Cognitive informatics is a relatively new area of study that looks at how the brain handles the processing of information across the various areas of science and engineering. By crossing disciplines, researchers hope to discover how the brain uses information to connect the physical environment around...