Thus, in plants, ATP is produced in the chloroplast's thylakoid membrane. Photophosphorylation is the name of the procedure. The "machinery" is similar to that found in mitochondria, with the exception that light energy is used to pump protons across a membrane to generate a proton-motive ...
Complete solution:The conversion might happen in the cytoplasm, which is the fluid between the cell membrane and the nucleus, or in mitochondria, which are specific energy-producing structures. ADP to ATP can be represented as ADP + Pi + energy ATP, or adenosine diphosphate plus inorganic ...
ATP is made via thephosphorylationofadenosine diphosphate (ADP), and conversely, when the terminal phosphate bond in ATP ishydrolyzed, ADP and Pi(inorganic phosphate) are the products. ATP is considered the "energy currency" of cells as this extraordinary molecule is used to power almost every m...
There are alsocomplex carbohydrates, commonly known as "starches." A complex carbohydrate is made up of chains of glucose molecules.Starchesare the way plants store energy -- plants produce glucose and chain the glucose molecules together to form starch. Most grains (wheat, corn, oats, rice) a...
How are ATP, ADP, NADP+, and NADPH cycled in photosynthesis? Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is the process in plants, algae, and some bacteria by which glucose is formed from carbon dioxide using the energy from photons of sunlight. Answer and Explanation: ...
How is ATP made in anaerobic respiration? Approximately how many ATP or GTP equivalents will be produced, from energy molecules produced, during one turn of the citric acid cycle? Assume that 1 NADH produces 2.5 ATPs, and 1 FADH2 produces 1.5 ...
During photosynthesis, plants use the energy of the sun to drive a reaction that converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar and oxygen. The sugar produced is then converted to energy in the form ofATP, through the same processes used by our bodies to processcarbohydrates. ...
With the intensification of the greenhouse effect, a series of natural phenomena, such as global warming, are gradually recognized; when the ambient temperature increases to the extent that it causes heat stress in plants, agricultural production will in
The functional units of muscle fibers are calledsarcomeres. When viewed under the microscope skeletal muscle has a striped pattern. This is because of the molecular structure of the sarcomere. Muscles are made of thousands of sarcomeres stacked on top of each other. ...
How is ATP made in anaerobic respiration? How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis different? What are the differences and similarities between cellular respiration and fermentation? For example, one similarity is that both use the process of glycolysis, and NAD+ is recycled through both proce...