EEG is one of the fastest imaging techniques available as it often has a high sampling rate. One hundred years ago the time course of an EEG was plotted on paper– nowadays the data is (thankfully) displayed digitally as a continuous flow of voltages on a screen. But that’s just the ...
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that vanished so quickly as the sickness spread. I hope that we will notice, and love, the hands that pass a dish, or count out change, or extend awaiting an offering. I hope that we will keep
EEG has been used to diagnose brain and hearing disorders, explore how conscious a person might be, and even allow people to control devices like computers, wheelchairs, and drones. But an anniversary is a good time to think about the future. You might have noticed that my colleagues and I...
“The brain is not an accumulator as commonly held in philosophy,” he decided, “and contains no records whatever of a phonographic or photographic kind. … The brain has merely the quality to respond.” If only he could figure out how the brain decides which signals to tune into and ...
Taking broken things apart is a great way to find out how they work.If you're a young person, ask an adult first to make sure what you want to dismantle is really safe. Here's my broken earbud and I've popped the back off it. You can see how the wires run up through the main...
An alternative way is to interpret SbD as a specific strategy for risk management; for instance, by built-in safety assessments or addressing SbD measures. The third way is to understand SbD as a result of the design process and, more specifically, as the absence of risks when technology is...
While the relationship between laughter and the brain is not fully understood, researchers are making some progress. For example, Derks traced the pattern of brainwave activity in subjects responding to humorous material. Subjects were hooked up to an electroencephalograph (EEG) and their brain ...
This allows you to simultaneously acquire physiological data, such as EEG, ECG, EMG, blood pressure, skin conductance, and facial expressions, while you are collecting observational data. For example, skin conductance is a method of measuring the electrical conductance of the skin, used as an ind...
An extensive cardiological investigation was carried out. Small vessel leukoencephalopathy was revealed by the brain CT and MRI. EEG recordings of the first patient showed paroxysmal sharp waves with left hemispheric dominance. The other 2 patients had diffuse delta and theta activity in their EEG ...