AsYahya Ibrahimhas written, The Sunnah is love and forgiveness. The Sunnah is clemency and sincerity. The Sunnah is putting others first. Let's take him as our example. Allah, The Al-Mighty describes the Prophet Muhammed (sala Allahu ‘alihi wasSalaam) in Surat at-Taubah 9:128 ...
acting and directing and the plethora of niches in-between and beyond, then we risk our stories almost certainly being told by those who do not favor us. Case in point, in the 4 years since my article was written, I’ve had multiple ...
Killings of 11 top commanders of Iranian revolutionary guards, the strongest Iranian force in last week of October 2009 has created panic among Iranian government circles who abruptly blamed Pakistan, UK and U.S. for that killings. Backing to Judullah by Pakistan Govt. is out of question becaus...