Levers can be found everywhere and have been used since ancient times. But why do we use them and what is the science behind how they work?
Many complicated inventions can be broken down into a few of the six simple machines: the lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, wedge and pulley. These six machines form the basis for many more complicated creations that help to make life easier. Many students are required to create...
STEP 7: Twist the screw and watch what happens! The rotation of the device helps the cereal slowly move up the spiral and out the top of the bottle! Pin How Does the Archimedes Screw Work? This fun activity is an example of a simple machine. The Archimedes screw uses a spiral or scre...
The receiving machine has now identified the sending server and is ready to continue.The sending machine must next provide the mail’s individual sender—that might be the person on the From: line, but it often isn’t; it could, for example, be a mailing list software package, a ...
This means that if an attacker can gain a foothold onto the network, the rest of the network will usually fall like dominoes. Once inside, the most difficult part is often to figure out what to attack next and where to go for the really juicy bits of information. It does not have to...
The technical details of the attack are actually quite simple. It all starts with an infected USB flash drive being inserted into a single computer. What happens then depends on the payload on that drive and, of course, how gullible the user is....
Simple machines are designed to make work easier using few parts. A doorknob is a simple machine that only has two main parts. Six basic types of simple machines exist: the lever, inclined plane, wedge, pulley, screw and the wheel and axle. Of these, the doorknob most closely resembles ...
or number of threads per inch. Screws of the same diameter with a different thread pitch are not interchangeable, and may damage the tapped threads in a nut or hole if you try to force it to fit. Fortunately, there is a simple method to determine which machine screw you need for your ...
1. Reactive Machine Reactive machines live up to their concept name. This type of AI can respond or react to real-time data. However, this AI is limited and can’t store information or build a memory bank. Because it can’t store memories, the AI can’t use past experience to analyze...
This week we took it to one of the garment factories to find out how a piece of clothing is made and what sort of work is put into making your dream design come true. With only a set of paper patterns and a couple of meters of fabric, we visited a big clothing manufacturer from No...