Protection– leading on from the nostalgia factor is the protection factor, yes a sleeve and a toploader are great for protecting your card, but nothing stands the test of time like a card in a grading slab. Collection– those who are in the Pokemon TCG hobby for collection purposes may wa...
The first step to identify Pokemon card value is to check its type and rarity. In other words, how likely the card is to come across from any given booster pack or special event, and if it has any special characteristics, such as card material or Pokemon types. There are a few indicato...
While all Pokemon fans would appreciate a rare PSA graded Pokemon card as a gift, they cost thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. The best Pokemon cards to buy as a gift are either booster packs from the latest set or Trainer Boxes from any set. Booster packs are small ...
When starting your Pokémon Trading Card collection, you have a few options. One popular choice is to purchase a pre-constructed theme deck, which contains a ready-to-play set of cards centered around a specific Pokémon or strategy. Theme decks are an excellent way to learn the game mechanic...
Charcadet can only appear inside eggs during the Pokémon Horizons: The Series event. Image via Niantic and the Pokemon Company The only way to encounterCharcadetis to hatch it from two, five, and 10-kilometer eggs that you grab during thePokémon Horizons: The Seriescelebration event inPokémo...
An important thing to note if you do opt to use an existing account for Pokémon TCG Online is that your data will be automatically carried over to Pokémon TCG Live when you first login, so any existing card collections and play data may be at risk if something goes wro...
Unleash the solar beast. Image via The Pokemon Company To fuseNecrozmaand Solgaleo into Dusk Mane Necrozma inPokémon Go,youneed enough Candy for the two Legendary Pokémonas well as someSolar Fusion Energy. The full cost is: 1,000Solar Fusion Energy ...
The concept art on the wall in#NewPokemonSnapseems to be an Easter egg for the pokemon movie Coco. Not sure about the blue building yet because the movie is out here, but the tree and the pokemon center are (thank you @PinkGermy &@KiddyKongFactsfor tracking those down)
are currently being sold at a very wide price range. Some common cards are just a few cents while first edition D23 promo arts of some cards are selling for thousands. This includes the Brave Little Tailor Mickey Mouse card, which is currently selling from $1,500 to $6,000 when graded...
it’s likely they’ll take their version of Venom in a new direction. What we are certain about is that this take on Venom has the potential to be more personal for Peter than any version previous. The game showed how Harry was a dear friend to Peter and MJ since childh...