Paramyxoviruses including measles, Nipah, and parainfluenza viruses are public health threats with pandemic potential. Human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) is a leading cause of illness in pediatric, older, and immunocompromised populations. There ar
sequencing by CE is used to determine the specific base sequence of a particular fragment or gene segment, this technique can also provide sizing, relative quantitation, and genotyping information for fluorescently labeled DNA fragments produced by PCR using primers desig...
(ddNTPs), are missing the hydroxyl group that is required for extension of a DNA polynucleotide chain. By mixing dye-labeled ddNTPs and template DNA in a PCR-based cycle sequencing reaction, strands of each possible length are produced when the ddNTPs...
How does plasmid DNA penetrate cell membranes in artificial transformation process of Escherichia coli? Molecular membrane biology, 25, 411-422.PANJA, S.; AICH, P.; JANA, B.; BASU, T. (2008). How does plasmid DNA penetrate cell membranes in artificial transformation process of Escherichia ...
What is a plasmid and how is it passed between bacteria? How is cholera contracted? What are some human diseases caused by bacteria and what are their respective modes of transmission? Explain how trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted. What is the parasite that causes giardiasis? How is it tran...
Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH)-deficient strains of the basidiomycete Trametes versicolor were produced by transforming protoplasts of strain 52J with a plasmid carrying the T. versicolor cdh gene disrupted with a phleomycin resistance cassette. Of 143 phleomycin-resistant colonies analyzed, 3 did not pr...
What is a codon? What does a codon code for? Learn about codons, the start and stop codon definitions, codon examples and how the order of codons is determined. Related to this Question Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
produced mutant plants resistant to citrus canker (Jia et al.2017; Peng et al.2017; Zou et al.2019; Jia et al.2019; Wang et al.2019; Jia et al.2020; Huang et al.2020; Huang et al.2022a; Huang et al.2022b; Jia et al.2022; Parajuli et al.2022; Su et al.2023). It is ...
Bacterial chemotaxis requires bidirectional flagellar rotation at different rates. Rotation is driven by a flagellar motor, which is a supercomplex containing multiple rings. Architectural uncertainty regarding the cytoplasmic C-ring, or ‘switch’, limi
The movement of genetic information in cells from DNA to messenger RNA to protein is described by the central dogma in the field of molecular biology. According to the idea, genes dictate the sequence of mRNA molecules, which determines the sequence of proteins....