“It is simply unacceptable in a country as wealthy as ours that so many people lack sufficient income to pay for health care, housing or even food,” Besser asserted. “We need to address income inequality if we truly want everyone to have a fair and just opportunity to live...
What could those things be? People who hadlower-paying jobsmight have hadworse access to health care and healthy food. They might live in more polluted neighborhoods or have lives that are less intellectually stimulating.The stress of being low on the socioeconomic totem poleraises levels ofallos...
Lower income groups tend to use dental care services less, and they often have poorer dental health than higher income groups. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how an increase in income affects the use of dental care services among a low-income population. Methods: The study examines...
The tax code will get less generous when it comes to writing off healthcare expenses other than insurance. The 2012 tax year is the last one for which medical costs over 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI) can be deducted. Starting in 2013, that figure jumps to 10 percent. (An ...
Some people think a job not only provides income but also a social life. Others think it is better to develop a social life with people you do not work with. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowled...
financial worries negatively influence their mental health.“How we take care of our physical and mental health all goes together. And if we're having basic things like money stress or poor relationship issues, then that can start a cascade of poor mental health and physical health,” says Mc...
largevolatilityinlocalunemploymentrates.Theorysuggeststhathealthbehaviorsmayimprovedueto reducedopportunitycostoftimespentworking,buthealthcouldalsoworsenduetoincreasedstress,reduced incomeandaccesstohealthcare.Therecouldalsobedifferentdirecteffectsonindividualswhosejobsarelost ...
social securitysurvivor benefitsThe economic impact following the death of a spouse is mainly felt by survivors with no income of their own. After the death of a spouse an income loss also occdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2842525Hofer, VeraSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Yes, getting a raise affects taxes. The more money you earn, the more taxes you will have to pay, increasing your tax bill. For example, if the income tax is 10% and you earn $5,000, your tax bill is $500. If you get a raise to $8,000, your tax bill is now $800. The ...
Some of the highest paying healthcare executive jobs are: Hospital CFO– Hospital’s chief financial officers can make up to $257,000 per year. CFO’s with a masters report an average of 14% higher income than those without. Hospital CIO– Chief Information Officers, who regulate all data ...