You should include the complete interview transcripts, survey question answers and any correspondence as part of the appendix. You can include the photocopies of handwritten notes and contents or online copies. It will depend on whether you have written your paper and appendix in word processor or...
Without data: A lot of people suffer from alcoholism in the United States. Try to include as many credible sources as possible. You may have terms or sources that could be hard for other cultures to understand. If this is the case, you should include them in the appendix or Notes for ...
lengthy calculations, software reports, graphs, multimedia elements, or any tables that have not been included before. Each item type should be listed separately. It is important to mention the appendix at least once in your report. For example: ...
To get started, grab ourfree social media proposal template: simply log in to your Google account and “Make a copy” to edit your own version! Our template covers everything you need to include in a social media marketing proposal, from social media goals to the agreement terms. Just fill...
In this section, you can put charts and graphs, sample campaigns and other relevant information. Not all proposals need an appendix. While these are major components of a social media proposal, there are other ways of writing a proposal. Some agencies like to include an expiration date on ...
Appendices include any supplementary material that is too lengthy or detailed to be included in the main body of your dissertation. This may consist of raw data, questionnaires, or technical details of your research. How to write it: Label each appendix clearly (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.)...
Appendix A: Summary of Evidence-Based Guideline for Clinicians: Management of an Unprovoked First Seizure in Adults To provide evidence-based recommendations for treatment of adults with an unprovoked first seizure.We defined relevant questions and systematically reviewed published studies according to th...
(for more details on BC RNA-seq data, see the Data Availability Statement section of the manuscript). We filtered out the male and metastatic samples, then merged the data with the BC subtypes that include 192 basal-like, 563 luminal-A, 207 luminal-B, 82 HER2-enriched, and 40 normal-...
H1 (a). Trade-off theory suggests that tangible investment positively impacts sustainable firm growth. H1 (b). Agency theory suggests that tangible investment negatively impacts sustainable firm growth. 2.2. The Moderating Role of Financial Inclusion Financial inclusion plays an essential role in al...
Caching Database shardingDiscuss potential solutions and trade-offs. Everything is a trade-off. Address bottlenecks using principles of scalable system design.Back-of-the-envelope calculationsYou might be asked to do some estimates by hand. Refer to the Appendix for the following resources:Use...