How I Met Your Mother《老爸老妈的浪漫史(2005)》第二季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,So, I guess that decides it. Yup. 我想已经得出结论了 没错 Hanging out at a coffee place 泡咖啡屋 is not nearly as much fun as hanging out at a bar. 确实没泡酒吧有意思 Ma
Look, there was a time I didn't believe in the crazy eyes either, 我以前也不相信疯眼这回事 and then I met Jeanine. 直到我遇见詹宁 She had serious crazy eyes. 她的那双眼睛疯得可严重了 I told myself I was just imagining it, but then... 我跟自己说都是我瞎想出来的 结果 So, shoul...
creepy quiet and crazy eyes: ① When the boss got that creepy quiet with crazy eyes, we knew someone was about to get fired. (当老板变得阴森寂静,眼神疯狂时,我们知道有人要被解雇了。) ② He can be really intimidating in negotiations, getting all creepy quiet with those crazy eyes. (他在...
How I Met Your Mother《老爸老妈的浪漫史(2005)》第三季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,It was a quiet November afternoon in 2007. 那是2007年11月的一个安静的下午 I was working from home, 我正在家里工作 because, you know, no distractions. 因为 显而易见 没什
How I Met Your Mother《老爸老妈的浪漫史(2005)》第三季第二十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Kids this is the story of the cab ride that changed my life. 孩子们 这就是那个改变我人生的搭出租车的故事 I know it sounds crazy. 我知道这听起来很疯狂 Before all I know
Barney Stinson (born 1976), is one of the five main characters in How I Met Your Mother, portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. He first meets Ted Mosby in MacLaren's Pub in 2001 then initiates himself as part of the gang, fancying himself as Ted's best frien
How.I.Met.Your.Mother Season01Episode16 孩子们,说到爱情 kids,whenitcomestolove, 最好的一对是顺其自然的一对 thebestrelationshipsaretheones thatjustcomenaturally. 独♥立♥完成的作品 Myfirstsolobatch. 嗯,我觉得还应该烤久一点 En,Ithinkthoseneedtostayinthe ...
How I Met Your Mother《老爸老妈的浪漫史(2005)》第五季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,In the fall of 2009,a new couple had moved in upstairs. 2009年的秋天 一对夫妻搬了进来 住在我们楼上 We hadnt met them yet, but we could hear th, 我们还没和他们碰过面 但是
老爸老妈的浪漫史第五季How I Met Your Mother中英剧本 热度: 相关推荐 老爸老妈的浪漫史第四季HowIMetYourMother中英剧 本 第一集 孩子们真希望我爸爸能告诉我这些 thingIwishmydadhadtoldme. 生命中最长的等待就是当你问到... Thelongestpauseyouwilleverexperienceinyourlifeistheonethatfollowsaskingthe question...
Neil Patrick Harris sits down to watch his own movies and television shows. Neil revisits scenes from 'Doogie Howser, M.D.,' 'Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle,' 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog,' 'How I Met Your Mother,' 'Gone Girl' and 'Uncoupled.'Uncou