生活是一位公正的法官,他不会___那些蹉跎岁月的“玩看”者。如果没有脚踏实地的跋涉,一切幻想都是___。生活中有酸甜苦辣,也有喜怒哀乐。我们要做一个___的开拓者,争得青春无悔。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
依据《建筑地基检测技术规范》JGJ 340—2015,平板载荷试验,单位工程的地基承载力特征值的确定应符合:同一土层参加统计的试验点不应少于3点,当其极差不超过平均值的( )时,取其平均值作为该土层的地基承载力特征值。
When Mother Teresa returns from her hols she has got to start feeling a few collars and explain what is required and more importantly expected from them, by not only her good self, but the country. Unless of course they are hell bent on destroying the party and ultimately the country. Kno...