Nichols.  How Does Regulation Affect the Risk Taking of Banks? A U.S. and Canadian Perspective[J]. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis . 2001 (1)Jill M. Hendrickson,Mark W. Nichols. How Does Regulation Affect the Risk Taking of Banks? A U.S. and Canadian Perspective[J]. ...
loads or diversities of helminth communities (Torre et al.2013), the consequences for other infections could be unpredictable. Coinfection dynamics in the wild are the rule rather than the exception (Pedersen and Fenton2007), and it is therefore possible that the wide removal of environmental para...
We earn from qualifying purchases made to the featured retailers. Thank you, we appreciate your support! The age-old dilemma of “I want to wear a skirt…but it’s cold out!” is something many of us have experienced. If you’re a massive skirt enthusiast you may be guilty of blindly...
In order to carry out the analysis I use the Fake News Corpus (Szpakowski,2018), comprised of 9.4 million news items extracted from 194 webpages. Beyond the title and content for each item, the corpus also categorizes each new into one of the following categories: clickbait, conspiracy theor...
That made the lamp last very much longer.What are the different kinds of xenon lamps? Xenon lamps come in two broadly different types: ones that make light continually and ones that flash. Xenon flash lamps Photo: Here's a very small xenon flash lamp from inside a digital camera. The ...
But here’s the problem….things changed No one is listening The world wide web has changed all of that. There are no more spectators sitting on the sidelines waiting to be entertained because we all to some degree have become content creators ourselves. ...
The album marks a full circle moment for the married co-creators, both of whom made separate long-term sojourns to different countries in Africa. During his first trip to Uganda as part of an aid trip, Matthews was insp...
the paltry sum of £30 will make you aSaint, which brings you: your name on the website, in slightly bigger letters; aCertificate of Beatitudepossibly signed by someone who might be the Pope; the same MP3 as above,plusanother MP3 of the show’s anthem “I’m God”, also sung by ...
Soon enough, the cars we drive will be more than conversation starters, status symbols or ways to get from one point to the next. Instead, they'll be the next platform in a world gone wired. According to the technology research firm iSuppli, 25 percent of cars will be connected to the...
In 2021, approximately 66 % of all beverage containers (583.3 billion bottles) globally sold will be manufactured from PET, with the majority being utilized for water (40 %) and carbonated soft drinks (18 %) (Hamade et al., 2020). China leads the world in PET bottle consumption, ...