正如专辑名字的直白,Charli 在其中记录了自己最新鲜的私生活状态。《claws》和我们分享了“开心、无忧无虑、像蜜月期一般的感觉”,《i finally understand》歌词中有‘我的治疗师说我真的很讨厌自己’这样的坦率。《anthems》“基本上是关于想要胡闹一场。在封城期间的某天晚上,我突然觉得:‘我就是想出门’。”《c...
how i'm feeling now 评分:8.0 2020年3月,新冠肺炎疫情已肆虐全球,全方位地重塑着我们的社交、工作以及与世界沟通的方式。Charli XCX也不例外,当时她正与男友和经纪人一同在洛杉矶的家中居家隔离,这种经历让她倍感煎熬,她直言“我对一切感到很失望”。在歌曲《anthem》中,她唱出了自己的无奈... (展开) 0回应...
(“in real life could the club even handle us?”). but though charli might role-play as a party-time pop android, the most enjoyable parts of how i’m feeling now come from a vulnerable person in conspicuous glitter armor. “i’ve been reeling for 12 days/when i start to see fear...
Miscream_ 73粉丝 关注 1455观看 --弹幕 2020-05-16 BV1oA411i7LK YouTube Stream ‘how i’m feeling now' here: https://xcx.lnk.to/howimfeelingnow. Miscream_ 1455观看 22 47 Charli XCX - c2.0 [Official Audio] Charli XCX - i finally understand [Official Audio] Charli XCX - enemy [...
洗茶Charli XCX 新专辑《how i'm feeling now》封面与全曲目列表释出,将于明日发行! 01. pink diamond 02. forever 03. claws 04. 7 years 05. detonate 06. enemy 07. i finally understand 08. c2.0 0...
洗茶Charli XCX新专辑“how I'm feeling now”封面与她自创厂牌“Vroom Vroom Recording”下女乐团“Nasty Cherry”的“What Do You Like In Me”的封面背景源于同一张床——位于洛杉矶的恰莉的别墅的床。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转CharliXCX超话 ...
【Charli XCX】洗茶四专How I'm Feeling Now时期弃曲+demo合集(分9P)共计9条视频,包括:I Hate All This Gravity、forever、party 4 U、If I Cried、claws、forever demo 2、Breathe Out (片段)、Didn't Want 2 (纯音乐)、I Finally Understand (deleted verse)等,UP主
How I’m Feeling Now is the softer, older sister to Brat. She’s still at the rave, but she’s cuddled up with her BF in the corner and not in the moshpit. That makes sense considering this is an album made in the pandemic. For the first time, Charli was kept away from her ...
爱唱歌的开心果 - CharliXCX全新居家创作计划howI'mfeelingnow第二支单曲释出 猜你喜欢 Washington、Japanese Wallpaper-Claws Charli XCX-claws Charli XCX-claws Washington-Claws Steve Aoki、Yellow Claw、RUNN-End Like This (Arknights Soundtrack) 바다 탐험대 옥토넛-Claw Cleanup...