HS Code is also known as Harmonized System (HS) Commodity Code. It is a system developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to help national customs and statistical authorities classify commodities. Each commodity or product will be assigned with a HS code, which is then used by Customs ...
Note: You can also add HS code by importing it via a CSV file or through the bulk editor inside Shopify admin. Stay compliant when importing into the US Understanding HTS and HS codes and how to use them can help you avoid headaches when importing foreign goods into the US. ...
On the flip side, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is a numerical code that helps customs officials, shippers, and traders alike decipher the complex language of cross-border goods. HTS codes expand the six-digit HS code to ten digits and are managed by the US International Trade Commissi...
Why is HS classification such a risk area? HS classifications are risky if you classify incorrectly, as you may be paying the wrong duty and tax on your products. This can result in a retrospective duty or tax bill for the back payment of all the goods you incorrectly classified. This can...
Navigating HS codes is critical for determining import tariff duty rates, achieving smooth customs clearance processes and avoiding delays or penalties for misclassification. Here, a logistics partner like DHL can provide invaluable assistance, ensuring your goods are correctly classified. ...
Numbering from 6201.1100-6217.9000, there are 155 codes, which are classified according to the style, sex, age and raw materials. For example, the HS number of the cotton down coats is 6201.1210, and the HS code of the cotton down coats is 6202.1210. ...
Is it fragile? Does it need controlled conditions, like regulated humidity? Are there any special packaging regulations around it? Some seemingly innocuous products, like perfume or electronics for instance, can be classified as Dangerous Goods and need to be packaged accordingly. All of this...
The goods description on the commercial invoice, including the product's end-use and country of manufacture. To make sure the goods are classified correctly, the HS code and goods description should match.商品描述在商业发票上,包括产品的最终用途和制造国。为了确保商品被正确分类,HS 代码和商品描述应...
The goods description on the commercial invoice, including the product's end-use and country of manufacture. To make sure the goods are classified correctly, the HS code and goods description should match.商品描述在商业发票上,包括产品的最终用途和制造国。为了确保商品被正确分类,HS 代码和商品描述应...
In this paper, the dependent variable is the size of the recipient country’s exports to China (lnexport) from the BACI database. It provides bilateral trade flow data at the 6-digit HS industry, including information such ...