16、,theequipmentmustbeprettyhigh-tech!A:Oh,itis-alotofcomputersandinterestingdevices.It'sjustthekindofstuffthatkidslove.B:Well,itsoundsliketheperfectjobforyou.I knowhowmuchyoulovekids.Sowhat'syourotherjob?A:Well.I'alsobeoneofthepeoplewhowalksaroundtheparkgreetingpeople.B:Doyoumeanyou'll 17、have...
Let's do one more: To reach Issyk-Kul lake, which was the end of my journey, I had to cross a mountain pass, almost 4,000m high. What's the goal here?让我们再来看一个:要想到达我的旅程尽头的伊塞克湖的话,我就得穿过一座山,大概四千米高。这里的目标是什么呢?The goal is getting a...
19、y high-tech!A: Oh, it is a lot of computers and interesting devices. Its just the kind of stuff that kids love.B: Well, it sounds like the perfect job for you.I know how much you love kids.So whats your other job?A: Well. Ill also be one of the people who walks around...
Wow, the equipment must be pretty high-tech! A: Oh, it is – a lot of computers and interesting devices. It’s just the kind of stuff that kids love. B: Well, it sounds like the perfect job for you. I know how much you love kids. So what’s your other job? A: Well. I’...
The mountain ishigh. How clever they are!(复数代词) They are clever. How sunny and clear the weather is!(不可数名词) The weather is sunny and clear. 注:代词+be可省略。 2、how+形容词/副词+the+名词+谓语 Howdeliciousthe dumplings taste!
A: How’s she doing, I’ve been meaning to call her. B: Well, to be honest! I’ve always thought she’s a little difficult. But these days, I find her impossible. A: What do you mean? B: Oh, you know how she is. She has strong ideas about everything. And if you don’t...
I. What is a good story? Writing a good story either in first or third person means to describing a sequence of events in an interesting. Lively way. A good story should consist of: a. an interesting beginning to catch the reader’s attention and make him / her want to go on ...
而tall 除了具体的“高”,还可以表示夸张的,荒诞的;a tall story 荒诞的故事。7、how tall 是表示某人或某物多高,不是单指人的,这个高是一种客观意义上的how high可以表示价格,或跳多高,这种是会浮动的扩展资料:1、tall 只能作形容词,通常指人、树、建筑物等的高度,这些东西的垂直方向部分都大于...
20、g kids.i have to go to a training program for three days before i start to find out how everything works.m: three days? wow, the equipment must be pretty high-tech!t:oh, it is - a lot of computers and interesting devices.its just the kind of stuff that kids love.m: well,...
1、目录Ishow2018 高级班文本 3.0一人物 Bob Branson 二人物 Andrea , James 三找室友 四工作 amusement park , intern , landscaping job 五工作 working asa tutor ,in a restaurant , for a marketing company 六借东西 七三角恋 八三个故事 九丢钱包 十四个烦恼相机,蓝色西装,车)撞鲸,抢银行,卡烟囱),...