As I'll repeat later: This is their characters and these are their choices, the important thing is that you made clear what are the consequences of these choices so they won't be feeling bad later in the game and blaming you for their "bad character", or, as mentioned in a comment,...
:ice cream made of heavy creamoften with minced almonds and chopped maraschino cherries and often flavored with rum. What is the definition of Triton? 1 capitalized :a son of Poseidondescribed as a demigod of the sea with the lower part of his body like that of a fish. 2 [New Latin, ...
Check out the Same Page Tool for a document that might help you communicate this, although be aware that the Same Page Tool is easy to misuse if you try to use it as anything other than a communication mechanism. It's an easy problem to fall into, because D&D can be many things to ...
Everything you need to know to create a D&D character Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game in which you and your friends play as fantasy characters on a quest of your choosing. The first step in your...