Fortunately, root and corm rot is simple to prevent. Just be sure togrow your plants in well-drained soiland do not overwater them. Avoid heavy clay soils and saturated or boggy soils. Powdery Mildew This fungal infection manifests as a white or grayish coating on the leaves. ...
The paladin is one of the toughest classes in the game. Smite evil in an undead heavy campaign is incredible, but the thing that makes the paladin tough is his defenses. He has the best saving throws in the game and immunity to multiple effects. Lay on hands as a swift action means he...
The second main function towers perform is base defense – they deliver heavy and rapid shots to an enemy intruder. They attack priority is heroes before minions. Fountains are invulnerable, meaning you can never destroy one, and even if you could, you wouldn’t even live long enough to do ...
What I did in one campaign (which admittedly might be a bit of a specialized answer) was spawn Kobolds. This particular part of this particular campaign had the players sneaking/running through a forest infested with Kobolds; their goal was to get out quickly and ...
But D&D — all RPGs — are unique amongst tabletop games in that they’re totally open-ended. And that makes a huge amount of difference. If I’m teaching you how to playWizard Card Dueland you say, “how do I get mana to cast spells,” I explain that you can draw it from land...
As a tablet it feels nice, it’s a little heavy but not so much that you can’t hold it and use it, just so that you’ll know you’ve put it down when you do. It’s plastic case doesn’t feel flimsy or cheap, and an added bonus over the Transformer Prime’s metal case it...
This gives the AI model a chance to learn your preferences before you use it for heavy-duty writing sessions. As you start writing, don’t underestimate the value of building a strong memory bank to use as you develop content. Doing this helps the AI model better understand the qualities ...
I've tried heavy defensive builds before though it's tricky to balance your party well. Goodwin, Jan 19, 2019 #69 Sir Veza likes this. Sir Veza Farming Deity I'm not a PvP player, but my flow chart would be: Rule 1: Win. Rule 2: Don't be a jerk. Rule 3: If you'...
there’s always been the idea of just switching equipment. Drop your heavy weapon or switch to a one-handed grip, and bring out your shield. But most of these options have been forgotten. The shield/versatile weapon is a cool thing that has gotten a bit of the spotlight in 5E, I’ll...
Offer to assist with some of the heavy lifting in Character creation and backstory: he's using this game a break from GMing - which is prep heavy. After 1 and 2 are done, have a short session 0 (again, one can always be called, even after a few sessions) ...