I have always said that no two projects are ever the same in the world of demolition, and Covid-19 has not changed that. In addition to all existing EHS (environment, health and safety) protocols, adherence to safe distancing regulations must be the non-negotiable baseline, of course, and...
It goes without saying that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been absolutely devastating globally, affecting all aspects of our lives. There can be no doubt that one of those areas is our mental wellbeing, due in large part to prolonged harboring in place, working from home, practic...
Over the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected billions of people around the world, and across the U.S. business owners were forced to find ways to adapt. To discuss the impact and how it has changed the business world, we are joined by Dr. Angela Mills, an emergency ...
The sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP, COVID-19), together with the 2020 Chinese Lunar New Year holidays affected many industries in varying degrees: there were difficulties in returning to work, operation dilemmas, measures which needed to be taken to fight the epidemic, lock...
COVID-19 has hit the global economy in strange ways. The obvious economic impacts include unemployment levels and problems with the stock market, but a surprising effect has been how common it is to now consider the prices of toilet paper and face masks — prices that were definitely not on...
The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked a health crisis and disrupted businesses. The recent redundancy statement by Kenya Airways revealed the truth, which will become a reality for a majority of employers in the coming weeks. The job, working environment, business and market that employees left to ...
Learn how the global COVID-19 pandemic affected international shipping and how businesses around the world responded to the challenges.
Covid-19 has affected everyone and artisanal and small-scale miners are no exception. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the sector has been affected by lockdowns, unstable commodity prices and limited healthcare supplies, yet, despite these problems, communities have proved highly resilient and as resourceful...
Some non-food markets are also affected. Working from home has a significant impact on people’s personal care routines with 20% no longer wearing make-up. In general, there is less attention on personal appearance: only 10% continued to buy clothing online or in hypermarkets/supermarkets, ...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created an economic crisis alongside a health care crisis. During the 2 weeks ending on March 28, nearly 10