So, what is going on with Australia’s weather, and should you change your travel plans? How Big Were the Fires? Australia has a long history of wildfires (or bushfires) occurring in the summer months, from December to February. The 2019-2020 season, however, h...
While Australian communities will always be affected by the impacts of bushfires, there is an element of human involvement that makes at least some bushfires avoidable. In Australia more bushfires are started by deliberate lighting than are caused by lightning or other natural sources. This ...
Oysters are filter feeders, extracting nutrients from the water, so that makes them very susceptible to water pollution such as that from bushfires. We are trying to understand how ash from the 2019-20 bushfires has affected the waterways andoysterfarms of New South Wales. Their production is ...
Australia’s Black Summer Bushfires in 2019-2020 took a terrible toll in terms of lives and livelihoods. 33 people were killed. The fires burned more than 3,000 houses and 17 million hectares of land, and also caused the death of over one billion animals. Many communities lost all power ...
The Australian summer has started to unleash its power. On Monday, the Victorian town of Walpeup reached 47.1°C, and towns in Queensland, western New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory all hit temperatures ...
Ecologists at the University of Sydney and WWF Australia estimate that a billion animals has died in Australia’s bushfires. “Over a billion would be a very conservative figure,” says Chris Dickman from the University of Sydney.#AustraliaFires ...
There is some evidence that fire can reduce an animal’s fitness by reducing habitat suitability. A study in grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalusTermminck, 1825) following bushfires in eastern Australia showed that a reduction in available foraging habitats was associated with substantially...
The environmental movement is now tightly woven into communities across Australia and its demands are clear. It has achieved demonstrable impact and wields considerable power to affect change. Politicians ignore it at their peril. Robyn Gulliver, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,The University of Queensland...
Devastating bushfires have beenspreading across Australiafor months, and they show no signs of slowing down. Millions of acres have burned, destroying about 2,000 homes and killing at least 25 people. It is estimated that more thanhalf a billion wild animalshave perished in the flames — a ...
How has globalization affected Indigenous Australians? How did Indigenous Australians prevent devastating bushfires? What happened to the Australian Constitution in 1967 for Indigenous Australians? What was life like for Indigenous Australians from 1900-1960? Were Indigenous Australians peaceful? Are...