For example, a student who had expected to be awarded a grade 8 and has actually been awarded grade 6 in triple science GCSE will be able to enter an A-level course to study chemistry and biology. However, they may wish to resit their science GCSE if they have plans to study medi...
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Chemistry is normally considered essential for medicine, with at least one other science subject (normally Biology or Physics). In practice, the vast majority of applicants will have three or more science subjects, which will put them at an advantage over someone with only two sciences. –Chemist...
The answer is, they both can. There’s no hard and fast rule, it just depends on what stage of your career you happen to be in. If you’ve left school or graduated from university within the last year, you’re not going to have a lot of professional experience. So your education ...
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GCSE Science Revision Chemistry "Graphite" Why is graphite slippery? Graphite has delocalised electrons, just like metals. ...The forces between the layers in graphite are weak. This means that the layers can slide over each other. This makes graphite slippery, so it is useful as a lubricant...
I find it hard to disagree with this. Might I, for example, be able to teach Year 7 maths with some level of academic competency? No. Could I tell you what “sigma” means? No, again. Could I sit a maths GCSE paper and achieve Grade 9? Absolutely not. And yet, the fact remains...
I know that sounds hard, but all you need to do is answer these three questions. Who are you? What can you offer to the employer? What are your career goals? And to formulate your answers do this. Make a detailed list of the experience, achievements and skills you already have. Refer...