Hard-Core Astrophysics: Massive Neutron Star Hints at How Matter Behaves at Its DensestA precision measurement of a high-mass neutron star rules out some exotic models for the ultradense stellar remnantsScientific American
Summer / Winter Schools – If you only have a week to spare and want to focus on a specific field of Astrophysics, this is a great way to learn from the experts.Internships/Programmes – This is the best way to really get a feel for what research is like, spend 2-3 months working ...
“The observation that there are dark matter-free galaxies has been a little bit worrying to me,” said Bullock. “We have a successful model, developed over decades of hard work, where most of the matter in the cosmos is dark. There is always the possibility that nature has been fo...
Astronomy and astrophysics Cosmology Vertical structure of an exoplanet’s atmospheric jet stream Article 18 FEB 25 NASA embraced diversity. Trump’s DEI purge is hitting space scientists hard News 14 FEB 25 Bullseye! Galaxy hosts a record-breaking nine starry rings Research Highlight 13 FEB 25...
Each EMU has a hard upper torso, a lower torso assembly and legs. A portable life support system, or PLSS, integrates fully with the suit and is worn like a backpack. The weight of the EMU-PLSS assembly is considerable. The suit itself weighs about 110 pounds (50 kilograms), and the...
This is a pretty solid checklist that I think you can rely on. Unique value and you (and your website) The challenge is this one. Uniquely valuable has been a really hard concept for people to wrap their heads around, and so let's dig in a little more on what we mean when we ...
Went to a high school that taught a "serious" astrophysics class. One of the first assignments was to use calculus to derive the variations of the blackbody laws (Wien's, Stephan-Boltzmann, etc.). We calculated the speed of light using the eclipses of Jupiter's moons, experimented with ...
Is it hard to become a astronomer? It will be very difficult for you to become an astronomer, because math is heavily used in this field and the training that is required leading up to getting a job in the field. ... Once you become an astronomer, it is an intense job with few bre...
This is a domain. Think of your domain as the address to your house. A lot of beginners get stuck on this phase. They procrastinate, hoping to find aperfect domain name. The hard truth? There’s no such thing. For us, we wanted a domain that was memorable but self-explanatory. We ...
在太空和天体物理学中,一切皆有可能 In space and astrophysics, really anything is possible. 令人震惊的银河系垂死的案子已经解决了 The shocking case of our dying galaxy has been solved. 没有杀手 There was no killer. 事实证明,银河系正在将自己吞噬至死 Turns out, the Milky Way is eating itself ...