I flew back to London in a hurry and went toMoorfields Eye Hospital: the consultant examined my eye and cheerfully opined:"Good Lord, I haven't seen a case like this since 1983." Sometimes when you'reill, it helps to have an interesting problem.Then I went back to the Marsden. Over...
It is also unnecessary. The recipe for saving the NHS requiresradicalism, but of a simpler sort: turning the NHS from what it has become—a sickness service—into what its name promises—a health service. That will mean spending more money. But to spend it productively requires a shift in ...
22-year-old Tammy* is a frequent festival goer and self-confessed "top festival shagger", and she recommends bringing a portablespeakeralong for sex, too. "Portable speakers are a must at festivals anyway for getting ready vibes and campsite parties, but they’re also good to have in your...
Do new cancer drugs offer good value for money? The perspectives of oncologists, health care policy makers, patients, and the general population. In oncology, establishing the value of new cancer treatments is challenging. A clear definition of the different perspectives regarding the drivers of in...
Nothing good comes in a rush, and by not acting in haste and ensuring that the principles behind my decision to re-engage with sex and intimacy are not to distract myself from life's ills, or just purely for hedonistic escapism, but now instead to connect with myself and with another ...
Narrator:The NHS is the world’s largest purchaser of fax machines and in some hospitals, medical equipment is no longer fit for purpose. A recent report found that machines from the 1980s were still in use in NHS hospitals. Ara Darzi:We need to decommission the old stuff and save money...
Healthcare security nightmare: UK's NHS lost nearly 10K patient records last year(TechRepublic) Despite having electronic record systems in place, 94% of NHS Trusts still use handwritten notes for patient record keeping, according to a report from Parliament Street. ...
Although it can be worrying,common coldsare very normal in young children as well as other illnesses, such aschickenpoxandear infections, as their immune systems are still developing. But according to theNHS, children will get colds far more frequently than adults, and symptoms include a blocked...
The NHS is due one of its biggest shake-ups in years, with a new Government white paper promising big changes and an emphasis on patient power. Already the Cancer Drugs Fund, centralised medical records and the right to choose a hospital, are impacting on the health service - but how ...
In Finland, there is good evidence of the effectiveness of theTobacco Actandcancer screening programson health, but the impact on healthcare expenditure is unclear. In Singapore, the government frequently holdsquestion-and-answer sessionson the costs of preventive healthcare and the impact of these...