We're the good guys! *torches a vulpera caravan* Hmmmm, looks a lot like a certain RL country, which coincidentally happens to be the one Blizz is based at A snapshot of the overall state of lore since BfA: Originally Posted by Nerovar [Calia is] A character who is undead in ...
The good news is that Yun Jin is from Liyue, and will be included in the pool of available characters to pick from. Beidou (Electro Claymore) Chongyun (Cryo Claymore) Ningguang (Geo Catalyst) Xiangling (Pyro Polearm) Xingqiu (Hydro Sword) Xinyan (Pyro Claymore) Yanfei (Pyro Catalyst) ...
Ningguang- Geo catalyst Chongyun- Cryo claymore Xinyan- Pyro claymore Yun Jin- Geo polearm Yanfei- Pyro catalyst Even though some of those other characters are very good to grab if you don't have them, such as Xingqiu, Yun Jin, and Yanfei, this is the only way to get Yaoyao right now...
The Elemental Mastery substat, for example, becomes useless if you’re using this weapon on a main DPS Ningguang. Generally, however, the Widsith is a great weapon. Use it on a Yanfei, Ningguang, or Mona for the best results. Gamepur is supported by our audience. When you purchase ...
In 1.3 we got a 4* character of our choice among Xiangling, Xinyan, Beidou, Ningguang, Xinqui, and Chongyun. Getting the first six duplicates of characters makes them stronger, so that’s why Xiangling is here even though every player already has her. ...
Diona is a character that has been featured in many banners so far, and she was given away for free during an event. It’s no secret how good her utility is, being able to heal our party and protect our characters. So for those who want to get the most out of her, here’s a ...
Elemental Masteryis unsurprisingly a good pick for Venti's Artifact sub stats as well, closely followed byEnergy Recharge.ATK% and Crit Rate/DMG aren't bad either, but you'll want to use Venti's Burst every time it's off cooldown, so having sufficient Energy Recharge is most important. ...
Is the Kagura’s Verity any good? The Kagura’s Verity is destined to be a decent weapon for any offensive Catalyst user. These characters include the upcoming Yae Miko, Ningguang, Klee, and Yanfei. To start, the Kagura’s Verity has a high base ATK and high Crit DMG% substa...