The Country Life: How Does Your Garden Grow? with Horse Manure? Cow Pies?When you have as many animals as I do, you deal with a lot of,well, crap.On a recent Saturday...Radford, Bill
Raising geese is a lot easier than you may think. The effort is well worth it, especially if you use the natural tendencies of the geese to benefit you. Read on to learn about weeder geese, pet geese, and security alarm geese!
Make the bedding for the worms. You can use well-shredded newspaper, straw, peat moss or a combination of these. Horse manure is also good bedding for a worm compost bin, but make sure the manure is well-aged. Fresh manure gets very hot as it decomposes and can burn the worms. Age ...
Green manure is a type of cover crop grown specifically to add nutrients back into the soil; manure is plowed together with the soil, positively increasing the soil's organic matter. Cover crops are also used in place of conventional pesticides to keep weeds at bay and as a ...
Green manure is a type of cover crop grown specifically to add nutrients back into the soil; manure is plowed together with the soil, positively increasing the soil's organic matter. Cover crops are also used in place of conventional pesticides to keep weeds at bay and as a distraction to ...
it's a good idea to reinforce the fence first, using sister posts to add strength, and fix a strong trellis or wire support system that the wisteria can be tied to. Ensure the fence is in good condition and consider painting it with a wood preserve to further lengthen its life, before...
For example, pest control may help eliminate horseflies, a biting fly often mistaken for robber flies. Bug Control Recommendation Tool What type of pest are you dealing with? How severe is the infestation? Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)? Are you willing to monitor ...
What is the Plant Horsetail Good For? There are over 25 species of horsetail plant. This includes annual and perennial types. Some species of scouring rush have a vertical, grass-like form that resembles horse tails (hence the name). Other species are fern-shaped or fan-shaped. ...
If you are using fresh manure, spread it on in the fall so it can break down over the winter and be safe for spring planting. If you prefer, dried blood, alfalfa, soybean, or cottonseed meals can be substituted. Nitrogen is released quickly from them so it is best to wait until sprin...
who says manure areas with a hidden drop off can be particularly dangerous. “That was another scary situation I saw once, and it could have been tragic. Another consideration is to always cover or block-off the ring dragsso a loose horse can’t run over it. Using hard-packed ...