Celebrity SAT scores hold no weight in determining what a good SAT score is for you. Overall, the average SAT score in 2022 was 1050. In addition, the CollegeBoard has set benchmarks for college readiness at a math score of 530 and an evidence-based reading and writing score of 480.Sti...
Therefore, if your SAT superscore is currently below a 1110, we strongly recommend that you consider prepping for the SAT and retaking it. You have a very good chance of raising your score, which will significantly boost your chances of getting in. Even better, because of the Superscore,...
Other schools are even more generous and completely waive out-of-state fees for students. TheUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayetteawards students who score a 20 on the ACT or a 1030 on the SAT and have at least a 2.5 GPA. If you’d like to attend the school your parents or grandparents ...
1250 Check If It Is a Good Array 55.7% Hard 1251 Average Selling Price 81.4% Easy 1252 Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix Go 78.1% Easy 1253 Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix 40.4% Medium 1254 Number of Closed Islands Go 60.3% Medium 1255 Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters 69...