The total eave length can be added to the total length of all rake edges to get the total linear feet needed for drip edging. This same measurement is used to calculate the amount ofstarter strip shinglesyou’ll need. IKO Leading Edge Plus[tm]shingles are the ideal starter strip, and a ...
For example, IKO has PROFORMAX™ integrated roofing accessories that work best with IKO shingles. From certain manufacturers, using a whole system may enable a homeowner to receive a different limited warranty than they would otherwise. Insurance process: Many homeowners are overwhelmed at the ...
more homeowners are installing their own rooftop solar systems, leading to reduced electricity bills and a cleaner environment. The introduction of the Solar Net metering payment mechanism has enabled households to export their excess power back into the power grid, which not only reduces their electr...
they can damage asphalt shingles and compromise their integrity. They may also provide nutrients that encourage the growth of algae ormoss. Nesting materials are a hazard too. They can be dirty and infested with insects, or they can clog exhaust vents, raising the risk ...
Manual removal:It is NOT a good idea to take a pick, shovel or another tool to the ice and chip it off. This might remove the ice, but might end up damaging the shingles too. Plus, the next ice dam in this spot is likely to take advantage of the cracks or gaps your roofers have...
Helps prevent ice dams:Heat from your home escapes through your ceiling into your attic if you don’t have insulation. Therefore, during winter, your shingles are at a higher temperature. Warmer shingles may melt the snow sitting on top of them. As temperatures drop, or as the meltwater fi...
Home buyers often seek out homes with mature trees because they’re beautiful. These trees offer shade, greenery and perhaps even fragrant flowers. However, mature trees aren’t all good news. There are many ways that trees can reduce the life of your roof and its shingles unless you step ...
(for example, there is new research about whether coffee is a good idea.) Plus, we’ll discuss new research that has blurred the line between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. And, there are new products on the market to help you keep cool in extreme heat. Below are IKO’s summer heat...