Then, on the fifth day, God created fish in the seas and rivers, and birds to fly through the sky. On the sixth day, God made animals of every kind to live on the dry land of the earth. God made every animal you can think of, from elephants and zebra’s, lions and cattle, ...
He had always believed in a God, but it was through his relationships with the animals that he came to know something of Him. He believed he could see the hand of a joyous, careful, loving Creator behind the actions of the animals. Seeing it, his love for the animals, and for their ...
The Artemis of the Temple of Ephesus looked nothing like the goddess of the hunt. Her likeness was based on the Anatolian Earth goddessCybele. She wore a dress carved with images of animals and a shawl made of bees [source:PBS]. The most interesting aspect of the statue was the rows of...
To the animals themselves, these migrations are crucial to the survival of their species. In this article, we'll learn about the biggest, longest and most amazing animal migrations in the world, and we'll figure out why and how animals make such astonishing journeys. Migration is the large-...
aThe child made animals,designs, and monsters. They kept up a running commentary on how they were making a monster and could SMASH it if they wanted to. It seemed that the clay was a good means of having them release their fears,ideas, and emotions on many things. This clay activity we...
Like other species, we are the products of millions of years of adaptation. Now we're taking matters into our own hands.
God’s promises to us can never be broken and when I see God’s handiwork in the stars, breathe in the ocean air, take in the endless mountain views or the beauty in the land, I think how awesome his love is for me. Knowing that nothing or no one can stop that love is precious...
This Valentine's Day, mischievous Cupid will be fluttering about with bow in hand, seeking out mortal hearts to pierce with his love-tinged arrows. But the winged god isn't the only one known for this kind of behavior — oddly, land snails are also known to shoot "love darts." Land ...
But God came through for me this year, around February, I started going to Church. In my sister church they had a program for women praying for the fruit of the womb and I followed her to her church, while praying, the pastor came to me and said “Sister who did this to you?” ...
God Is The Recipe ‘I Don’t Eat Animals With Faces’ I Want An Animal-Free Mall Promises Made For Keeping Respect Is A Side Effect… That’s You Now To Animal- Chefs re: Menu Planning for Vegans Vegan vs Plant Walking In A Rainbow What Veggie Means Here Where Have You Been? AFC ...