GSTIN, short for Goods & Services Tax Identification Number is a 15-digit, unique identification number allotted to each taxpayer (GST registered business, firm, dealer, supplier, business entity) once they have registered under the GST regime in India. Every business operating in a state or Un...
Step 1: Finding the GST Rate Finding the GST Rate for the Goods or Service under the GST Act is the first step in calculating GST. The GST Council has communicated GST rates for practically all commodities and services in India during the last month. To determine the GST rate, one must ...
All you need to do is to visit the website and request an application for GST Registration. Once all the details and documents are submitted, you will get an acknowledgement number. The next step is the verification by the GST officer. After this, the registration process will ...
What is a GST Number (GSTIN) and Its Importance? A GSTIN is more than just a registration number; it is a gateway for businesses to collect taxes, claim input credits, file returns, and maintain compliance with GST laws. It also facilitates interstate trade by ensuring uniformity in tax p...
IndiaFilings/Learn/How To Apply Gst Number IndiaFilingsAbout IndiaFilingsOnline PaymentCareersContact Us PlatformsBusiness SearchTrademark SearchClient PortalFilings.AE for UAE UsageTerms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyRefund Policy Confidentiality PolicyDisclaimer PolicyIndiaFilings Review ...
gst billing there is a chance that our company gst number can be printed on ur bill when we by an product on apple store online 4 years ago 645 1 GST invoice India Does apple provide a GST invoice on the store? 3 years ago 2132 1 How i can get the invoice? I buy a coin...
of GST. As a registered company in India, all traders and businessmen must obtain aGSTIN(GST Identification Number) and In this article, we shall take a close look at the calculation of GST, the different tax slabs under GST, and many more related and essential aspects of GST calculation....
Navigation controls to enroll with GST in India for existing VAT payers in India How to identify the steps in enrolment process of a tax payer at the GST common portal. I pay Service Tax on my services. But I am not sure how do I pay the new GST?
Enter the Challan Identification Number (CIN) to check your payment status. These were some crucial steps about how to pay GST challan online without logging in to the portal. How to Make GST Payments Offline? These are the steps on how to pay GST challan offline: 1. Obtain a GST ...
Update: 01st April, 2015.Click here to read latest update to obtain IEC number (Importer Exporter Code) as per Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 Re warehousing procedures under STP and EOU units. Duty exemptions available for EPCG scheme under GST regime ...