Gamma rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a very short wavelength. As a matter of fact, gamma rays have the shortest wavelength of any type of electromagnetic radiation. Because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional, it also has the largest frequency. Gamma rays ...
X-rays are commonly used in medicine for imaging internal structures to diagnose conditions such as fractures, tumors and dental issues. Additionally, X-rays find applications in industrial inspections, security screening, scientific research and cancer treatment through radiotherapy. What are X-rays mad...
Gamma-rays and X -rays cause radiation damage when they interact with matter by producing what?. What are some medical uses of radiation? How does lead effect heme synthesis? Describe the laboratory picture, (including hematologic variables) of lead poisoning?
Cancer. 2003;98(2):292–9. 69. Kontoyiannis DP, Lewis RE, Osherov N, Albert ND, May GS. Combination of caspofungin with inhibitors of the calcineurin pathway attenuates growth in vitro in Aspergillus species. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2003;51(2):313–6. 70. Roden MM, Zaoutis TE, ...
Because of the lack of melanin, people with this genetic problem are extremely sensitive to the UV rays in sunlight. Cancer - Occasionally a cell will change in a way that causes it to reproduce uncontrollably. For example, when cells in the skin called melanocytes are damaged by ultraviolet ...
AimsThe effects of irradiation (gamma-rays and electron-beams), up to 10 kGy, in the antimicrobial activity of mushroom species (Boletus edulis, Hydnum repandum, Macrolepiota procera and Russula delica) differently processed (fresh, dried, freeze) were evaluated.Alves, M. J.Fernandes, A.Bar...
Radium ishighly radioactive, and its immediate daughter, radon gas, is also radioactive. ... Exposure to radium, internal or external, can cause cancer and other disorders, because radium and radon emit alpha and gamma rays upon their decay, which kill and mutate cells. ...
or CCD. Some space telescopes use a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) active-pixel sensor, such as theWISPR imageron the Parker Solar Probe. These sensitive instruments can detect photons from the infrared to gamma rays because of how photons interact with the electrons in the sensors...
X-rays can kill. At the very least, they can give you cancer, which also kills. If you do not fully understand the dangers of ionizing radiation, and are not competent enough to handle voltages exceeding 50,000eV do not, under any circumstances replicate what I have done here. ...
(A) The main cause of skin cancer is a long exposure of skin to ultraviolet rays. The UV-rays change structure of DNA and destroys it completely...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Ou...