If they fought "admirably" — meaning if they won battles — Stalin did not bother himself with how they did it, or the fallout after. After hearing reports that Soviet soldiers raped women in Germany and elsewhere, he is reported to have said "[W]hat is so awful in his having fun ...
The Korean War was the first and largest major battle of the Cold War. It was fought between 1950 and 1953. Click here for more on the Korean war.
These wars could bring in other countries like the United States and many more into the conflict. Russia's invasion of Ukraine does have the possibility of starting the next World War. Imagine. Belarus joins Russia in the war. NATO fights back. The West levies massive sanctions against Russia...
You forgot to mention Jews control all form of media promoting stereotypes against everyone that’s not a Kike, and turning every race against each other. Also, every time someone speaks out about them, that person is accused of Anti-Semitism. They are destroying America from the inside out...
The major source for this misconception is Soviet propaganda. In order to excuse their domination of the Eastern/Central Europe and the occupation of Lithuania, they sought to portray everyone who fought against them as Nazis ("fascists"), including all the Lithuanian pro-freedom activists. In ...
This cumulative real return data for each country was a real eye-opener for me the first time I saw it. It’s a reminder that seemingly small differences have a major impact when it comes tocompound interest. In terms of annual return, the difference between investing in shares in the U...
Last month, when inspecting a children’s detention center where kids are being jailed alone, their legal team found a premature infant who was so ill she would have died without immediate treatment. The lawyers and doctors on the team fought federal authorities to transport the baby to the ho...
The founders have just fought a war against a tyrannical ruler – their desire was to maintain the power of force in the hands of the people via the state. In the current absence of a PEOPLES organized militia (remember, the Federal government has taken over and usurped this body) the rig...
As per % of GDP spent fighting a foreign war, it was one of the cheapest wars ever fought. Look elsewhere. Wolf Richter Apr 4, 2017 at 6:03 pm Yeah but…. There are military expenditures that are not in the budget of the DOD, such as nuclear weapons which are in the budget ...
“They fought with great doggedness… I will never forget the sight of a few Tiger panzers with their superior 88mm guns knocking out one Sherman after the other, as they tried to advance through a pass to the east, & couldn’t understand ...