010 What is economic value and who creates it Mariana Mazzucato 18:56 009 The paradox of efficiency Edward Tenner 13:54 008 The unforeseen consequences of a fast-paced world Kathryn Bouskill 09:27 007 How the compass unlocked the world Small Thing Big Idea a TED series 03:21 006 The...
The solar wind sweeps through the solar system far beyond the orbit ofPluto, forming a large "bubble" called the heliosphere. According to NASA, the heliosphere is shaped like along wind sockas it moves with the sun. The closest boundary of the heliosphere is about 100 AU out from the sun...
A parachute will automatically deploy if the balloon drops too fast. Google plans to retrieve the balloons and equipment whenever possible to reuse or recycle the components. The LTE networking equipment attached to the balloons will work on existing phone companies' cellular spectrums and allow the...
“We didn’t initially realize that Parker and Solar Orbiter were measuring the same thing at all. Parker saw this slowerplasmanear the Sun that was full of switchback waves, and then Solar Orbiter recorded a fast stream which had received heat and with very little wave activity,” said Samu...
There is a need for us protection of the environment.We can do a lot of things.Firstly, we can use more cloth bags instead of use plastic bags.Secondly, We should walk much, use lifts and cars less as well as possible. Thirdly, we should eat less fast food, because make fast food ...
With continual strong solar wind / interplanetary magnetic field (SW/IMF) driving, latent coupling has the capacity to produce relaxation oscillations of the coupled system. Fast flux exchanges are mediated by electrons and Alfvén waves; slow exchanges are mediated by ion flows, principally O+. ...
Passive stall control- The blades are mounted to the rotor at a fixed angle but are designed so that the twists in the blades themselves will apply the brakes once the wind becomes too fast. The blades are angled so that winds above a certain speed will cause turbulence on the upwind side...
Nearly all of our cells have the ability to generate electricity. And in this article, we'll look at the role of electricity in the human body and find out how we produce it in the first place. The starting point is simple: Right now, any cells in your body that aren't actively sen...
I read that the solar wind is a stream of particles, primarily electrons and protons, flowing out from the sun at speeds as high as 900 km/s, and at a temperature of 1 million degrees. Using the equipartition theorem, I calculate that a proton moving at 900,000 meters per second exhibi...
In this article, HowStuffWorks shows you how the idea of solar sailing developed, where NASA and others are in testing this technology and how far and fast solar sails might take us in the universe. Contents Solar Sail Concept Solar Sail Materials Solar Sail Launch Future Space Travel ...