Kawasaki JPN >0.4% Automotive, heavy industry IFPEN FRA >0.3% Oil & Gas Research SABIC SAU >0.3% Industrial chemicals Suzuki JPN >0.2% Automotive A similar dominance of the industrial chemicals, oil and gas, and automotive sectors is evident in the total number of granted hydrogen patents worl...
Another example is of a post that a reader of ours passed on to an influential blogger through a comment. The influential blogger (Guy Kawasaki) ended up blogging about our post and up went subscribers almost doubled within a week or so. http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2008/01/the-art-of-...
Did you follow the instructions to verify there is no Fast Startup enabled (checked)? Did you find anything in Windows Update in the locations mentioned? Have you made the changes in Windows Update, Services, and Metered Connections as suggested? About Norton removal You have given me a clue...
Ergo.1. Performing the same task over and over. Ergo.2. Working very fast for short periods (lifting, grasping, pulling, etc.). Ergo.3. Having to handle or grasp small objects. Ergo.4. Insufficient breaks or pauses during the workday. Ergo.5. Working in awkward or cramped positions. ...