X-rays are a good example of man-made ionizing radiation. The three types of ionizing radiation we're going to discuss here are alpha particles, beta particles and rays. Particulate radiation involves fast-moving, small particles that have energy and mass. When an unstable atom disintegrates, ...
You can get the whole story on lasers in How Lasers Work, but we're going to cover some of the key concepts here. Laser is an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation," which is a tongue-tying way to describe light in which the photons are all at the same...
A toaster uses infrared radiation to heat a piece of bread (see How Thermoses Work for information on infrared radiation). When you put your bread in and see the coils glow red, the coils are producing infrared radiation. The radiation gently dries and chars the surface of the bread. The...
Due to its high-precision, fast, non-contact processing, suitability for a variety of materials, and ability to achieve cutting of complex geometric shapes, laser cutting machines are widely used in manufacturing, aerospace, medical and other fields. How does a laser cutter work? Before knowing ...
How fast does stage 1 breast cancer spread? How is stage 0 cervical cancer treated? How is stage 2 cervical cancer treated? How does ionizing radiation kill cancer cells? How does nanotechnology work in cancer treatment? What is HR+ breast cancer?
The volume of SEER data has been growing fast [109]. The analysis of greater volumes of big data with higher dimensionality necessitates novel ideas and methodologies. The present review offers several implications for data collection, standardization of analysis, and cancer surveillance for national ...
These two things are, however, very closely related, because the job a satellite does usually determines both how far away from Earth it needs to be, how fast it has to move, and the orbit it has to follow. The three main uses of satellites are: Communications Photography, imaging, and...
after their presentation by the author in “The anatomy of complexity in scientific collaboration driven by non-evidential criteria for consensus,” at the workshop “From Minimal to Complex Collective Actions” hosted by the Center for Social Action, Philosophy Department, University of Milan, 4th ...
You can get the whole story on lasers in How Lasers Work, but we're going to cover some of the key concepts here. Laser is an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation," which is a tongue-tying way to describe light in which the photons are all at the same...
Some galaxies, called active galaxies, emit huge amounts of energy in the form of radiation. They may have exotic structures such as supermassive black holes at their centers. Active galaxies represent an important area of astronomical research. Luminosity-distance Relationship Astronomers (professional...