How far has it spread? Genomic sequencing has found the variant in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong. There are also reported casesin Israel, apparently originating from a traveller from Malawi, and inBelgium, from someone who had travelled from Egypt. UK health secretary Sajid Ja...
Lesotho 17-10-66 Zambia 01-12-64There are a few things that you may have noted from the country list above.Firstly, the official names of some countries are not what we usually call them. Vietnam is two words, and Venezuela is a Bolivarian Republic. You may also see some countries for...
. Still the SACP has voiced their concern over the “very weak stance taken by [the South Africa] government” in regards to Zimbabwe (Nzimande 21 March 2007). While this division over issues is nothing new to the Tripartite Alliance, and its dissolution is far from near, issues that conti...
The former is a 5000 km semi-continuous, passive erosional remnant of a receding continental margin stretching from Angola through Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique [2,4] (Figure 1), and bisects the coastal belt from the colder and more seasonal interior [5]...