but she questions the logic of this, saying forcing someone into treatment is bound to fail. When Roby got out, he found his way back home to the Comox Valley.
It was owned briefly by Harrison Airways and later was used by the British Columbia Institute of Technology as an instructional airframe at Vancouver International Airport. The museum acquired the aircraft and it was carried by barge from Vancouver International to the seaplane ramp at Patricia Bay...
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. British Columbia is a long way from the Appalachian coal fields, but the role that a south Vancouver chicken coop played in the rise of country music legend Loretta Lynn is being recalled after her death at the age of 90. THE CANADIAN...
Island, B.C., Canada. Our address is 420 Horne Lake. Rd, which is located between the Island Hwy 19 and the Oceanside Hwy 19a. We are a 2.5-3 hour drive north of Victoria/Sydney on the south end of Vancouver Island, and 2-3 hours drive from Tofino on the west side of the ...
pollen into the honeycomb and regurgitate the nectar directly into the honey stomach of another bee. Each time, as the nectar enters a new honey stomach, enzymes are added to the mix to breakdown nectars’ complex sugar structure. This transfer from bee to bee continues until breakdown is ...
Vancouver, BC V5P 2J2 Canada Tel: 604-327-0021 Fax: 604-327-0021 Web: www.drphoebechow.com Specialty: Prolozone, Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, UV Therapy Dr. Sterling Desmond TCM Reg. Ac 1842 B-Comox Avenue Comox BC V9M 3M7 Canada Tel: 250-941-8777 Fax: 250-941-87...
Like, I suppose, most non-Natives, I’m not really aware of the specific origins of pre-European toponyms around here, except that the Coastal ones seem to have a different flavour than names from the interior: Saanich, Metchosin, Sooke, Malahat, Qualicum, Comox… quite pretty, to my ea...