Sometimes, you can tell when someone's lying, but other times it may not be so easy. Polygraphs, commonly called "lie detectors," are instruments that monitor a person's physiological reactions. These instruments do not, as their nickname suggests, detect lies. They can only detect whether ...
As you can see in the diagram to the left, an MOV forms a connection between the hot power line and the grounding line. An MOV has three parts: a piece of metal oxide material in the middle, joined to the power and grounding line by two semiconductors. These semiconductors have a ...
overheating could be the issue, especially when the intense summer heat is scorching. Keeping tabs on your CPU temperatures is crucial when you’reoverclocking your PC’s processor, too—you don’t want to accidentally push the performance pedaltoo farto the metal when you’re super...
Did you know, for example, that hi-tech clothes washing machines have accelerometers that can detect when the load is out of balance and switch off the electric motor to stop them from spinning themselves to pieces? [1] How about detecting when elderly people have fallen or sensing when ...
a chess player could theoretically bring a vibrating device in their shoe, under their arm, attached to their chest into the playing hall. now, some tournaments have metal detectors and scanners, but if you walk in through an airport style metal detector in a chest tournament playing hall, ...
You usemicrophonesto capture thesoundsof people's voices and turn them into electricalenergy. You take thatelectricityand, loosely speaking, make it flow along a tall metal antenna (boosting it in power many times so it will travel just as far as you need into the world). As the electrons...
Reduce your Fitbit’s screen timeout. You can find these toggles within theSettings appon your Fitbit device. Do you own a Fitbit Sense and use Snore Detect? Consider switching this feature off if not explicitly required. The feature is known to drain the Sense’s battery during sleep. ...
7. After I wash my hands I wipe them on my arms and the water cools me down. 8. Water in a metal pan on tile stays cool…that helps in a power outage. 9. Save some insulation sheets for such times or move potted plants or do whatever it takes to shade windows from the outside...
Of course, there is always one surefire way you can avoid speeding tickets, no matter what technology the police come up with: slow down! For more information on radar detectors and related topics, check out the links on the next page. Detecting Detectors Since they have an oscillating curren...
replacing natural materials with modern tight insulating foils. The wood-fired stove has been replaced with an electric heater and the roof opening has been firmly closed. All of these modifications resulted in far-reaching changes in the quality of the internal environment in the yurt. The conduc...