shooting rifles bladed off to the side. I'll cover this more later with body position behind the rifle (natural point of aim), but if your scope is set up improperly, it will be hard to get a proper position behind the rifle. Scopes are often mounted too far forward on the action wh...
That is only because of game rules basically. They probably didn't want to go too far down the modern weapon route with shotguns, submachine guns etc... So they just stuck with pistol and rifle. They decided to use the actual traits and skills to make the difference in how they actually...
Beliefs that my generation held as sacred are now null and void. If Capt. John Paul Jones were asked to surrender today, he would not answer "I have not yet begun to fight" but "Let's work this out.Violence is never the answer, and all these dead...Stand & Deliver...
With big game seasons well under way in most of the country, it’s likely that many hunters have already taken shots at big game animals. Some of those shots found their mark and some of them didn’t. The mechanics of rifle shooting is a course in and of itself. A myriad of factors...
The Precision Rifle With Elevated Shooting Course was, to say the least, incredibly thorough. In fact, I can do no better than to quote from the GTI course description to illustrate the course’s complexity: The Precision Rifle training class covers topics needed to effectively shoot mid to...
Muzzle-loading rifles were the most common rifle used by soldiers throughout the Civil War. The most common was the Springfield and the Enfield Rifle. The basic steps to load the rifle are the same. They shot a bullet, known as a minie ball and proved ve
How far can a CVA Wolf shoot? Very accurate with the 100 gr load. Bought it in Dec 2016 and used to take 2 doe in Jan 2017 with the 100 gr load and got a buck with it yesterday running the 120 gr load. Have hit everything I've aimed it at and the SST does a nice job. Al...
Early crossbows did have a few disadvantages, though. An archer could load, aim and shoot a bow in around six seconds, but a crossbowman required nearly a minute to do the same task. Crossbows also had far more moving parts than plain longbows. But crossbows gave armies the option of ar...
But bulletproof material can't give this much because the vest would push too far into the wearer's body at the point of impact. Focusing the blunt trauma of the impact in a small area can cause severe internal injuries. Bulletproof vests have to spread the blunt trauma out over the ...
Sinclair makes a bipod that is not very field friendly, but in shooting disciplines that require a bipod, it fits the bill and greatly increases the steadiness of the rifle. This is the Sinclair F-Class. It is huge and does not fold into place along the stock. The process is to bring...