Eric Agol, a UW astronomer, has worked with a team of scientists to find Kepler 62f, the smallest, most “earthlike” exoplanet yet discovered. One is Kepler-62f, named after theKepler Space Telescopethat helped astronomers find these new worlds. It moves around its star in 267 days. “It...
NASA’s Kepler mission is helping scientists in the quest to find these worlds, sometimes called Goldilocks planets after the fairy tale because they orbit where conditions are “just right” for life. Kepler and other telescopes have confirmed a handful so far, all of which are a bit larger ...
Kepler 62 is a 5-planet system about 1200 light-years away from Earth in the Lyra constellation. The host star is smaller and cooler than our sun. The first 3 planets closest to the sun are too hot and inhospitable. Next, is the planet Kepler 62f which is in the inner hospitable zone...