The entire complex problem has been recognised but not yet sufficiently addressed in Germany. People are skeptical as to whether society can adequately identify fake news and only 30% feel confident that fellow-citizens can, so more and more institutions are trying to do something about fakes. A... PDF Clockwise from top left: G. Tomasevic/Reuters; A. Hussein/Getty; D. Berehulak/NYT/Redux/eyevine; Rolls Press/Popperfoto/Getty; J. Pitts/Afropean; D. Mitidieri/Getty Strange things have been...
Keywords: applied behaviour analysis (ABA); autism; policy; public health; RCT; misinformation; propaganda; fake news Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 1% to 3.5% of the global population [1,2]. The economic costs to society associated with autism are ...
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Additionally, teenagers with strong digital media literacy have a greater understanding of the role media plays in our society and how certain images or words may influence viewers. This may assist teens in recognizing fake news and question suspicious sources. ...
“perceived accuracy of fake news” found that even corrections to mis- anddisinformationcan often fail to fully erase reliance on false information because of continued influence effects. Mis- and disinformation also persist in memory and compete with corrections during reasoning, even when people ...
There was a fear, too, too about “fake news” on the internet, that people wouldn’t be able to discern the difference between what was real and not real in their feeds. There was a real concern that Generation Z, in particular, would be vulnerable, as th...
Disruptions resulting from an epidemic might often appear to amount to chaos but, in reality, can be understood in a systematic way through the lens of “epidemic psychology”. According to Philip Strong, the founder of the sociological study of epidemic
Other such GPTs include electricity, the steam engine and the internet — things that become fundamental to society because they can affect the quality of life for everyone. (That GPT is different, by the way, from the one in ChatGPT, which stands for "generative pretrained transformer.") ...
Automatic and manual web annotations in an infrastructure to handle fake news and other online media phenomena LREC 2018-11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (2019), pp. 2416-2422 URL: ...