The focus adjustment allows -8.0D – +2.0D. If you require diopter outside of this range or astigmatism correction, eyeglass frames are provided that can be installed on the goggles, allowing you to use your own lenses. Unlike most other FPV goggles, the Goggles 2 have no buttons; control...
Your eyes should be centered within your lenses. Eyeglass frames that are too wide can make your eyes appear too close together, while narrow frames will give your eyes a wide-set look. To find the lens height and width, measure the widest and tallest parts of the lens. ...
On the inner section of the temples (where the eyeglass frames and arms meet) you will usually find incredibly small screws. Tighten the screws using a mini screwdriver. Eyeglass repair kits such as our Feel Good Handy Kit are perfect for tightening screws on your glasses. If you find your...
As you are browsing our vast catalog of custom eyeglass frames, you may be wondering how to place an order for RX glasses. While it may seem more complex on the surface, placing an order with us is as easy as buying anything else over the Internet....
At Warby Parker, we carry glasses in up to fivedifferent frame widthsso that you can find your perfect match. That being said, we’ve found that our medium width frames are a safe bet for most of our customers. It’s important to note that two different frames in the same size categor...
Why scratches on glasses are a concern One of the most common concerns you may have as a glasses wearer is how to fix scratched glasses. Dirty or scratched eyeglass lenses can make it difficult for the wearer to see people, signs and other objects. Not only can this be annoying — it ...
Lighter, thinner frames will generally sit more comfortably and allow a closer fit. Large, heavy frames may need to be sized looser than usual. Frame Materials There are dozens of different chemicals and alloys used to make eyeglass frames. Plastics and nylon-based composites are usually used fo...
Often, if there’s an issue with the fit of your eyeglass frames, see an optician near you. An adjustment to your frames can fix the fit of your glasses and end or reduce your headaches. If your frames can’t be made to fit — let’s say you went through a growth spurt or got ...
Customers can try on five eyeglass frames and show the results on social media by tagging their photos. 7. Paid advertising Paid advertising often gets a bad rap, but it’s still one of the most effective marketing strategies. The two best online advertising strategies are Google Ads and ...
Small-head magnetic philips screwdriver:Not small like a mini screwdriver from an eyeglass repair kit, but I’d say between that size and a mid-sized screwdriver would work. If you don’t have a magnetic-head screwdriver, try to find a magnet big enough to magnetize the driver head. This...