The result:Two websites and a Kickstarter campaign later, it’s now an official candidate for becoming an emoji in June of 2017, along with a fortune cookie, takeout box, chopsticks, and face with one eyebrow raised emoji. Power of Emojis on Instagram On Instagram, the use of emojis is...
Description:This dumpling emoji displays a puckered mouth and a single raised eyebrow. Use it to:Express a sense of pride or accomplishment. 25. [proud] Description:A dumpling face with a satisfied smile and an overall smug look. Use it to:Express pride or satisfaction. 26. [rage] Descripti...
The raised eyebrow: A quick raise of the eyebrow can be a way of saying, “Oh, really?” or “I’m intrigued, tell me more.” The lingering gaze –If someone is looking at you with a soft, dreamy expression and holding your gaze for a beat longer than usual, it’s a good sign...
If you’re old enough to have used Blackberry orMSN messenger, you might recall that we only hada few little yellow facesto choose from. The geek with glasses. The sticky out tongue face. The unimpressed face with the raised eyebrow. The cry-laughing emoji? That didn’t become a standard...