SpringBootApplication启动时会默认扫描主类当前包及子包,如果需要扫描主类当前包外的其他包或不扫描当前包下的特定包或类,可通过上面的被圈住的属性来设置。 现在我们来加入这个配置,摁住ctrl键就可以定位到这个包。 如果我们设置了exclude的属性就不会把这个类加入到Spring管理的容器中,这里需要注意一点的问题就是e...
}return"Success"; } } With my below code, different thread ids are not getting created. @Repository@Configuration@EnableAsyncpublic class MyService {@Bean(name ="threadPoolTaskExecutor") public ExecutorthreadPoolTaskExecutor() {returnnewThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); } @Async("threadPoolTaskExecutor")pu...
I am usingSpring CloudwithSpring Bootin a microservice, that microservice is loading a DB config information to configure a connection. I created a test to get the rest interfaces usingSwaggerfor documentation. I want to disable the loading of DB configuration because is not necessary. Here...
10:44:06.842 logback [main] ERROR o.s.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.UnsupportedFeatureError: SerializationConstructorAccessor class not found for declaringClass: [F (targetConstructorClass: java.lang.Object). Usually adding [F to serialization-config.json fix...
Spring allows us to create and publish custom events that are synchronized byThis has some advantages, such as the ability of the listener to participate in the transaction context of the publisher. 2.1. A simple application event Let's createa simple event like- just a placeholder for storing...
显示镜像无问题 制作可引导镜像刻录在u盘中进行修复 检查磁盘并修复 chkdsk C: /R /f 修复引导 ...
By default, Spring boot applications are packaged asjar. We need to package the application as a‘war’file to deploy it as a web application in external servers. <packaging>war</packaging> TheWebApplicationInitializeris needed to bootstrap theServletContextprogrammatically as opposed to the traditi...
In this tutorial we will go over steps on how to create your simplest Spring Boot web application which listens on port 8081? This tutorial is based on below 1st Spring Boot HelloWorld Application in IntelliJ IDEA article. How to create 1st Web based Spring Boot HelloWorld App in IntelliJ IDE...
In this article, we discussed Spring Kafka’sRecordDeserializationExceptionand we discovered that, if not handled correctly, it can block the consumer group for the given partition. Following that, we delved into Kafka’sCommonErrorHandlerinterface and implemented it to enable our listener to handle...
We also added some global configurations in the configuration, such as global parameters, etc. package tech.pdai.springboot.swagger.config; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; ...