In acupuncture theory there are sayings about the damaging effects of emotions: Too much anger injures the Liver Too much fear injures the Kidneys Too much sadness injures the Lungs Too much thinking/worrying injures the Spleen Too much joy/excitement injures the Heart Too much emotion injures the...
What doctors feel: How emotions affect the practice of medicine. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine Danielle Ofri Boston, MA: Beacon Press;2013 212 pp, hardcover, US $24.95Ofri D. What doctors feel: how emotions affect the practice of...
The importance of being emotional: How do emotions affect entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation and exploitation? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 2010;1:15-29.Grichnik, D., Smeja, A., & Welpe, I. (2010). The importance of being emotional: How do emotions affect entrepreneurial ...
Serotonin (produced in each individual neuron from an amino acid called tryptophan) is typically active in the regions of the brain responsible for emotions, sleeping and sensory perception. During interactions between neurons, serotonin is released from the end of the first (presynaptic) neuron and...
How Your Emotions Affect Your HealthHow Your Emotions Affect Your Health Can you think yourself sick? There is a lot of data to back this claim up, that you can think yourself sick, fat, depressed or whatever ails you. There are even quotes emerging that are a little different from, “...
Colors and emotions are inextricably linked — Whether you’re designing a logo, building a brand, or putting together the perfect revenge outfit for your school reunion, remember that colors can change how you feel and how others perceive you. Colors can be subjective, too: a neon yellow log...
situations (e.g., van Kleef, 2009). When we receive information about someone else’s emotion, we may well draw inferences based on our emotion knowledge, and these inferences in turn may influence our own explicit appraisals. But is this the only way in which emotions affect other people?
“…lucid and passionate explanations of the important role that emotions play in the practice of medicine.” Perri Klass, author of “Treatment Kind and Fair” “Her insightful and invigorating book makes the case that it’s better for patients if a physician’s emotional...
Childhood urbanicity interacts with polygenic risk for depression to affect stress-related medial prefrontal function Article Open access 12 October 2021 Global urban homogenization and the loss of emotions Article Open access 29 December 2022 Introduction The human brain is shaped by its surroundings...
Nurses’ perception of PSC as resource caravan passageway, also see [54,55,56,88] motivates them to acquire new resources (i.e., emotions, energy and time, support form managers) to fulfill their workplace requirements [39,49]. Using COR context, PSC as ‘resource caravan passageways’ ...