If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen, it has the potential to be up to 80 percent efficient. That is, it converts 80 percent of the energy content of the hydrogen into electrical energy. However, we still need to convert the electrical energy into mechanical work. This is accom...
However, achieving and controlling fusion has been a lot more difficult for scientists to crack than fission. One problem facing fusion technology is that in order to create self-sustaining power (a point called “fusion ignition”) it needs to be sparked by a massive amount of energy. In ...
How efficient is the Large Hadron Collider? How does Newton's second law apply to rocket propulsion? How does a jet engine generate electricity? How is a cyclotron engine different than an ion engine? How much energy does a particle accelerator make?
The main difference in the creation of these fuel-efficient vehicles is in the batteries. Hybrid batteries are large, rechargeable and take up a considerable amount of space. They're made by specialty battery companies, like Panasonic and Sanyo, chiefly located in Japan. Hybrids use nickel metal...
By considering these variables, AI can plan the most energy-efficient routes, minimizing the need for charging stops and reducing overall energy consumption. Example: Tesla uses AI-driven green initiatives to optimize routes for its electric vehicles and address sustainability challenges. The system ...
Nuclear chemistry is the science of using radioactive isotopes and other nuclear reactions to diagnose and treat medical conditions and also to determine the age of artifacts through a process called carbon dating. Learn about nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, tracers, imag...
and provide interoperability for more-efficient development. Additionally, both the HPC and AI toolkits are built using oneAPI libraries for low-level compute optimizations. By building HPC applications with oneAPI, developers can avoid proprietary programming code lock-in to maximize discovery and uncover...
NASA is currently looking into developing small-scale fusion reactors for powering deep-space rockets.Fusion propulsionwould boast an unlimited fuel supply (hydrogen), would be more efficient and would ultimately lead to faster rockets [source:Slough]. ...
Despite being so hot, the corona is less than a millionth as bright as the Sun. As you walk away from a bonfire, you feel less of its heat because you receive less energy due to the inverse square law. Why is the more distant corona so much hotter than parts of the Sun closer to...
This article develops a multi-perspective view on motivations and methods for tobamovirus purification through the ages and presents a novel, efficient, easy-to-use approach that can be well-adapted to different species of native and functionalized virions. We survey the various driving forces prompt...