How effective has vaccination been?Vaccination:Vaccination is a necessary medical procedure that can help prevent people from contracting diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, influenza (flu), pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus (lockjaw), polio, diphtheria, yellow fever and more. Vaccines work ...
Cervical cancer is the second largest cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide. Persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is necessary but not sufficient to cause cervical cancer, and preventing HPV infection can prevent the disease. ...
Although serum antibody induced by IPV can suppress pharyngeal viral excretion (which is thought to be the source of transmission in countries with high levels of hygiene), it is less effective at preventing intestinal infec- tion3. A live attenuated vaccine administered by the route of natural ...
People taking SIMPONI® should not receive live vaccines or treatment with a weakened bacteria (such as BCG for bladder cancer).HEPATITIS B INFECTIONReactivation of hepatitis B virus has been reported in patients who are carriers of this virus and are taking TNF-blocker medicines, such as ...
Combining Autonomy and Cooperation.One of the principles of smart simplicity is that the more complex work becomes, the more the key to effective performance is to encourage autonomy, not restrict it. Autonomy is the freedom to exercise one’s judgment in the completion of a task. In situations...
People taking SIMPONI® should not receive live vaccines or treatment with a weakened bacteria (such as BCG for bladder cancer).HEPATITIS B INFECTIONReactivation of hepatitis B virus has been reported in patients who are carriers of this virus and are taking TNF-blocker medicines, such as ...