2015. How effective are macroprudential policies? An empirical investigation. International Finance Discussion Paper 1136, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.Akinci, Ozge, and Jane Olmstead-Rumsey. 2017. "How Effective Are Macroprudential Policies? An Empirical Investigation." Journal of ...
We study the impact of macroprudential capital buffers on banking groups' lending and risk-taking decisions, also investigating implications for internal capital markets. For identification, we exploit heterogeneity in buffers applied to other systemically important institutions, using information from three ...
What are the economic differences between developed and developing nations? How did World War I change America? 1. What is the ultimate goal of macroprudential policies? What caused the European debt crisis? Briefly discuss the situations in Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal. What ...
Agent-based modelling (ABM) has significant potential for improving our comprehension of macroprudential policies and their ramifications on the financial system, economy, and society. As researchers continue to explore and refine the approach, there are many future applications and developmen...
Institution for macroprudential regulation: The UK and the US. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. Google Scholar Gersen, J.E. 2013. Administrative law goes to Wall Street: The new administrative process. Administrative Law Review 65 (3): 689–734. Google Scholar Barr, M.S. 2015. ...
In order to prevent financial crises from the outset or to mitigate the effects of a downturn, macroprudential policies can be introduced, such as the anti-cyclical capital buffer. The aim of this instrument is that banks accumulate more equity capital in good times so that they have a buffer...
. Their findings are consistent with other studies that have shown that monetary and macroprudential policies may not be independent (Goodhart1988; Stein2012), while others have found, as noted before, that credit booms have the highest ex ante correlation with banking crises (see Schularick and ...
with the Fed and ECB maintaining record-low interest rates until at least H2 2023. The catalysts for economic and financial turbulence, and hence a delay in the recovery cycle, include unsuccessful fiscal pivoting, unnecessary regulatory and macroprudential pain points, and mismanagement of growing in...
2013. "How Effective Are Macro-prudential Policies in China?" IMF Working Papers 13/75, International Monetary Fund.Wang, B. and T. Sun, 2013. How Effective Are Macroprudential Policies in China? IMF Working Paper No. 13/75.Wang, B., & Sun, T. (2013). How Effective are ...
macroprudential policyhousehold creditbank-level datameta-analysisThis paper evaluates the effectiveness of macroprudential policies in five Asia-Pacific countries (Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and ThailaCantú, CarlosGambacorta, Leonardo...